david 發表於 24-12-2012 13:01:49

I like to play mahjong and different kinds of chesses, but I don't know how to play showhand. Now I understand what is "part", thank you for your lesson.

oldv1rr 發表於 24-12-2012 15:35:37

舌尖上的粵語 is raised by 羊城網(GZNF.NET).

A brief description:

cmpang 發表於 24-12-2012 19:34:32



cmpang 發表於 24-12-2012 19:36:38

cmpang 發表於 24-12-2012 19:39:33

你無眼花, 呢個係中国既斜塔....

oldv1rr 發表於 25-12-2012 09:49:26

虎丘劍池四個字都無颜真卿筆法的圓潤味道. 可能原稿已壞才後制. 老老實實啦, 江蘇姑娘相重有無多D潻.

cmpang 發表於 25-12-2012 09:53:43

在江蘇,姑娘滿街都是, 但要上得鏡就真是難求啦....:Q
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