cmpang 發表於 21-12-2012 13:43:00


oldv1rr 發表於 21-12-2012 13:47:29

遊周莊要買飛架, 比你玩船可能貴過坐船.

david 發表於 22-12-2012 00:24:27

本帖最後由 david 於 2012-12-22 00:26 編輯

玩潛艇, 唔好上嚟, 話之佢上面塞船都唔驚被壓扁:P .一係索性落去扒埋一份, 玩手控, 唔玩遙控.
係周莊買間屋, 對住D 水, 住係度唔好出去, 咁咪唔駛買飛囉;P

cmpang 發表於 22-12-2012 01:12:26

david 發表於 2012-12-22 00:24 static/image/common/back.gif
玩潛艇, 唔好上嚟, 話之佢上面塞船都唔驚被壓扁 .一係索性落去扒埋一份, 玩手控, 唔玩遙控.
係周莊 ...


david 發表於 22-12-2012 19:34:50

唔通買間屋剩係擺船又無人住, 咁想攞黎聞下咪好麻煩. 而且間屋無人氣, 夜晚D鬼船員走出黎鋤D打麻雀......:funk:

cmpang 發表於 23-12-2012 20:51:52

古時明嘉靖年间御史王献臣仕途失意,退休归隐苏州後就起左個拙政園, 我地大胃退休後就連在柴灣買個單位放放船仔都 ......;P

我最鐘意飲鴛鴦 ............

david 發表於 23-12-2012 22:50:43

本帖最後由 david 於 2012-12-24 01:11 編輯

我無佢咁多錢吖嘛 :o
明朝做個失意嘅御史 (即監察官, 類似廉政署), 都可以咁有錢起個拙政園, 若果唔失意豈不是起個頤和園 ?可見中國自古以來貪污之嚴重. 不貪污的好官鳳毛麟角. 而且俾人排擠, 係皇帝面前唱衰你. 海瑞都俾D壞鬼"御史"彈劾, 可想而知. 依家CY又俾長毛彈劾. 不過阿爺撐硬, 乜事都無, 長毛攞選票, 都係揾食啫.
中國人連拜神都要賄賂下D神靈,若你保祐我發達我下次就再燒多D乜乜乜俾你, 賄賂貪污文化源遠流長.

oldv1rr 發表於 23-12-2012 23:05:42

去拙政園又要數壟, 真係比 part 都比到窮.

david 發表於 23-12-2012 23:13:21

本帖最後由 david 於 2012-12-24 00:56 編輯

oldv1rr 發表於 2012-12-23 23:05
去拙政園又要數壟, 真係比 part 都比到窮.

死喇, 我文化低, 睇唔明康爸寫乜添 ?唔明乜嘢係 "數壟", "比part" .:L
拙政園我大約七,八年前去過, 真係好靚好古典 . 如果我有個咁正嘅水池我就會攞黎放船, 游水.   種蓮花就留番俾亞周敦頤玩啦. 佢個friend亞陶淵明就會填左個池黎種菊花, 佢真係醒, 1700 年前就知道依家D杭菊會賣到咁貴, 一早就種定先.;P

oldv1rr 發表於 24-12-2012 06:51:51

本帖最後由 oldv1rr 於 2012-12-24 07:07 編輯

david 發表於 2012-12-23 23:13 static/image/common/back.gif
死喇, 我文化低, 睇唔明康爸寫乜添 ?唔明乜嘢係 "數壟", "比part" .
拙政園我大約七,八年前 ...
Sorry to confuse you. My message is a hybridisation of 舌尖上的粵語, slang and jargon.

I estimate that the correct writing of "數壟" is "數洞" which represents counting number of holes. The coins of ching dynasty were with holes in the center. Counting number of holes is counting number of coins to pay the bill - 買飛.

To play showhand, we need to make the first bet (i.e. to put our money on the table) before we can get the first card out of five. This amount of money is called part. We need to inject more and more money until we can see the last card if we get the chance.度度景點都要買飛 . Eventually, it might worth.
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