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CW 140607

發表於 13-6-2014 14:03:27 | 顯示全部樓層
Hello Harquebus, Rosenfans boatmates are productive model boat makers. Don't keep your 1:125 Lindberg mine-sweeper sleeping in the box, build it radio-controlled and post it on Rosenfans. Hong Kong is a famous duty-free shopping centre and many different brands of model boats are available in the market.
Are there enthusiastic boatmates in South Korea ? We go boating nearly on every Saturday, a lot of fun.
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發表於 18-6-2014 16:41:01 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 david 於 18-6-2014 17:17 編輯

Hello Harquebus, that is not HMS Vanguard, it is HMS Tribal Class destroyer Cossack, 1:96, Deans Marine, 47 inches. (1 inch = 2.54 cm)
Of course the bulwark number should be L03, not 715, haha.
The 1:350 Cossack can easily be bought in Hong Kong, 13 inches long, but Hong Kong boatmates can build it R/C and sailing well on calm water, unbelievable !!!
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