薔薇之友 Rosenfans

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發表於 22-9-2013 23:08:44 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 david 於 22-9-2013 23:10 編輯

嘩, 你拆個隻好似係日本貴嘢嚟喎, 好徙啫. 只係玩左幾次.
快D 揾昌少攪迷你倉啦.
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發表於 23-9-2013 01:32:35 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 david 於 23-9-2013 12:03 編輯

You are the captain of the boat
always with you and let it float
taking out the anchor from the ship
you feel the sigh from its lips

The water is soaking my tongue
I can barely breathe as water fills my lungs
I don't want to be left behind
let me stay with you side by side

I am trying to stay afloat
doing my best to keep you close
I will be a good boat in your fleet
always with you is the promise I keep
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發表於 25-9-2013 12:25:57 | 顯示全部樓層
The fleet is too big for the flat
the captain is planning to put them in stacks
the guys are going to rent a workshop
building boats will never stop

It is time to clean the workshop
tools needed to be put on top
plans of ships are posted on the wall
music is waiting for your call

Spacious room filled with silence
imaginative mind's guidance
seconds and hours seem the same
building beautiful boats with heart of flame
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發表於 25-9-2013 23:19:13 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 david 於 25-9-2013 23:21 編輯

哈, 隻 200 Missouri 大船兜當冲涼缸用嚟做 350 試水真係fit 晒喎, 又慳水.
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