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中山 130802-03

發表於 5-8-2013 01:15:24 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 david 於 5-8-2013 01:18 編輯

You can dance, you have fire, having the time of your life
see that man, watch that scene, digging the dancing guy

Friday night and the lights are low
looking out the girls for rock and roll
when they play the right music, getting in the swing
you come to look for a queen

Not everybody could be that guy
the other three idiots are too clumsy to jive
night is young and the music is high
with a bit of rock music, everything is fine

You are in the mood for a dance
and when you got the chance
you are the dancing guy, not too old but sweaty, only sixty
see that man, watch that scene, digging the dancing guy.

( edited from the song "Dancing Queen" )
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發表於 5-8-2013 12:33:02 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 david 於 5-8-2013 21:13 編輯

Abba 呢首歌改些少就 fit 晒俾 Eddie, 真係好啱用.
果個年代係聽 Abba 阿伯, Bee Gees 披頭四, 鄧麗君.......  睇戲就睇 James Bond, Charles Bonson, 鄧光榮, 李小龍, 甄珍....... 玩就玩游水, 單車, 球類, 國術,......唔似得現時所有立體活動都變成屏幕平面虛擬活動. 讀書就讀文科,理科,工程,醫科, 法律, 根本就連商科都未有.
睇D人著嘅衫同埋髮型就知條片有30-40 年咁耐. (1976, 即係 37 年前嘅流行曲)
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發表於 6-8-2013 22:09:38 | 顯示全部樓層
咁就要揾星期六及星期日喇, 等 KC 同埋D 年青人放假先得. KC 星期五果日都好鬼忙, 幾廿樣嘢攪緊, 又好多電話, 重要招呼我地, 真係唔係幾好意思. 我email 左佢睇下星期六佢嚟唔嚟柴灣. 嚟就帶隻信濃俾佢.
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