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發表於 21-8-2012 12:11:05 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 david 於 2012-8-21 12:14 編輯

等我發下言, 支撐下個論壇.
你個湖好正, 好靜水, 放細船一流. 是甚麼地點的湖.
放中山艦的荷花池環境也很好, 詩情畫意.
我有一艘 1:100 的定遠艦.
遲些會有定遠和致遠一齊放, 都是 1:100

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發表於 21-9-2012 22:39:19 | 顯示全部樓層
Richzy, go to meet uncle cmpang as there is not too much opportunities to recognize Hong Kong boatmates, especially that uncle cmpang is a specialist in building plastic radio-controlled model boats !!!
We would like to meet you also if you come to Hong Kong, bring along with you a small size boat and we can play together in Chaiwan.
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