JINROH 發表於 28-5-2013 13:25:14

搵到d1/200 ijn 既零件, 如有好既選擇, 請提出, 有人肯代為復模就更好啦^^


MCU2012 發表於 31-5-2013 17:18:41

Are you really want these part?
It looks like a copy from Nichimo 1:200 kit.

JINROH 發表於 2-6-2013 13:27:14

如果香港無人有, 就要訂, 或係Ebay 買...:L

MCU2012 發表於 4-6-2013 09:54:33

so, which one you need?

JINROH 發表於 5-6-2013 21:38:27

好多野都需要, 好似D (25mm三連裝機槍), 測距, 射控等,

MCU2012 發表於 5-6-2013 23:40:49

for 25mm x3, i use GPM, but expensive and hard to build. whoich one cheaper?

JINROH 發表於 6-6-2013 12:55:31

GPM 好難買到了, 同埋甘大量, 真係好辛苦...

MCU2012 發表於 6-6-2013 16:58:26

I Place order to PL, but the problem is shipment charge is high.
But it is very detail. are you going to build a Isuzu?

JINROH 發表於 6-6-2013 20:50:55

我想整番北上, 苦無parts, search 魚雷先搵到呢間, 但佢套魚雷唔似北上果套....
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查看完整版本: 搵到d1/200 ijn 既零件, 如有好既選擇, 請提出, 有人肯代為復模就更好啦^^