tomtso 發表於 16-3-2013 13:35:11

CW 130316

CW 130316

cmpang 發表於 16-3-2013 16:55:17

上次 11 个航母, 今次 10 个船兜 ......:lol

oldv1rr 發表於 16-3-2013 22:59:54

欠缺Ivan隻艦, 可惜

david 發表於 17-3-2013 17:54:04

上次CW121027 共15 艘船, 其中11艘航母, 真係盛事, 寫左首詩.
今次係10個船兜, 光脫脫, 無著衫, 寫唔出.:'(

ulysses 發表於 19-3-2013 00:43:56

下次整個1/100浴缸...XDDD ;P

david 發表於 19-3-2013 22:36:03

Where have all the towers gone ?
building your crafts until dawn,
surely they will all be finished,
prepare for the gathering in Tai O village.

Where has the fat man gone ?
busy with his cameras on and on,
has forgotten he is the King of hull,
running a hull like the King naked at all.

Where have all the crazy chickens gone ?
going to the Chaiwan pond,
flying on the water without law,
our King will call up hundred of hulls,
break the chickens with his mighty force,
return calm and peace to our shore.

cmpang 發表於 19-3-2013 22:57:38

麥兄真係文胆 ...... :victory:

david 發表於 19-3-2013 23:11:42

本帖最後由 david 於 19-3-2013 23:20 編輯

吹水亂寫一通. 其實物理,數學,程式,先至係我強項, 以前要黎揾真銀架嘛.
依家hea 到盡, 唔駛好似以前咁認真, 寫乜都得.;P

tomtso 發表於 20-3-2013 01:58:17

david 發表於 19-3-2013 22:36 static/image/common/back.gif
Where have all the towers gone ?
building your crafts until dawn,
surely they will all be finished ...


david 發表於 20-3-2013 14:08:29

最緊要係Ivan 睇到.;P
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